Monday, December 14, 2009

A Letter to My Wife - Part 13

Well can you believe it? We made it through to Christmas Exodus. Only one week to go. I'm still hanging out in Ft. Sill, blowing shit up with the Artillery boys. But who gives a crap.

It's almost Christmas and they're letting me go home to see you guys! That's what it's all about!

Tomorrow is payday again. Don't forget that this is our last paycheck before Christmas, so you're going to want to use this one to get your Christmas shopping done. Make sure to either get some crap for my side of the fam, too, or at least save me some dough so I can get them shit.

But still, you deserve a little something special. You've got options this week:
Option A. Buy yourself a X-Mas gift, wrap it up, label it to and from yourself, and stick it under the tree.
Option B. Go to a salon and do girly stuff that chicks like to do like get your nails done or your hair done or whatever.

Just so you know, this will be the last one of these posts, the final "Letter to My Wife," because I expect to be home next week.

Thank you for sticking by me and taking such good care of yourself and the kiddies.

I love you very much.

See you soon.

Your Husband
Private 2nd Class
United States Army.

A Letter to My Kids - Part 13

Well kiddies, this is the last one of these posts that will appear.

This week we won't have one of our usual surprises. Instead, we will prepare for something different. Next week, I am coming home for Christmas!

Shooting guns and blowing shit up has been alot of fun, but I can't wait to get home and see you guys.

Thank you so much for being so good (you have been good right?!). Let's close out this last week before I return with some extra good behavior. Be extra nice to everyone and show eachother some extra love.

P.S. Don't forget to put out the trash tomorrow night!

I'll see you guys soon.

I love you all!

Love, Daddy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Letter to My Wife - Part 12

Hello again, my lovely.

So by this point I'm finally out of BCT and I have moved to O-o-o-oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...

Okay, so I'm just a little giddy with the idea of moving on from BCT to my next phase of training. I'd like to talk some more about what I'm doing here in AIT, but I really have no fucking idea what's supposed to happen here, so I won't even try to wing it. I'll just have to tell you about it in the handwritten letters home.

So we'll just go ahead and skip to the good stuff. This week's little surprise is.... drumroll please...... I've got nothing! lol. So this week it's a wildcard, The Wife's choice! Money permitting, do whatever the hell you would like to do. Buy yourself something nice, or go do something fun. Just do something to make yourself happy, and don't forget, I'll be home in a couple of weeks.

Sorry for the crappy surprise this week, but if you get creative, it could be really awesome!

OMG how exciting is this! I'm almost home!

I love you.

Your Husband

A Letter to My Kids - Part 12

Hello again, Kiddies.

Well, by now I ought to be living in Oklahoma.

We've got some special stuff coming up soon, so this will be the last week of your "surprises."

Christmas is coming, and with Christmas, I am coming home soon, too.

This week, for your surprise, you can do another camp-out in the living room one night this weekend. Be sure to bring lots of blankets, because it will probably get very cold on the floor at night. Also, if you build a fort, be sure to put everything away by 3:00 the next day. If you would like, you guys can go to target and get some snacks and watch movies on your campout night.

Ok, I'll write you guys again next week.

I love you guys.
