I'll be meeting with my recruiter today to take my Physical Fitness Test. I'll be leaving in about an hour.
Just finished eating, so I am well nourished. I am drinking 0.5 liters per hour of water. This is the prescribed amount to stay hydrated without over hydrating. A boost of potassium (commonly found in bananas) helps your body to retain the water until it is needed for perspiration. It's important to be well hydrated to avoid heat cramps or other heat related injuries such as exhaustion or heat stroke. On the flip side, it's advisable to stop drinking the 0.5 L per hour 1 hour prior to exercise to prevent the water in your stomach from causing cramps.
The PT Test consists of 3 main elements. For my particular gender and age group (31 year old male) the standards are as follows:
To be able to attend BCT, I must be able to perform at the following levels:
- Run 1 mile - 8:30
- Sit-ups - 17 in one minute
- Push-ups - 13 in one minute
- Run 2 miles - 17:54
- Sit-ups - 36 in two minutes
- Push-ups - 30 in two minutes
- Run 2 miles - 17:00
- Sit-ups - 45 in two minutes
- Push-ups - 39 in two minutes
After exercising, it is important to rehydrate. To accomplish this, simply drink cool water until you are no longer thirsty, then drink a little more. Cool water is easier absorbed by the body than cold or warm water.
I'm off. Wish me luck!
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